I'm a little behind on this, but here's my wrap-up post for the Winter's Respite Read-a-Thon hosted by The True Book Addict. My goals were to finish the three books I was currently reading (A Personal Matter, A Charmed Death, and A Mid-Summer Night's Dream and to start 1Q84. I accomplished none of those goals. I did, however, read The Second Duchess.
All in all, I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't more on the ball with the challenge, but last week was a little hectic and so my entire schedule was thrown off. That said, I'm glad I did the read-a-thon and look forward to doing more in the future. Next time, I definitely want to set aside time to read every day, as opposed to "I'll read when I read." I'd also like to pay more attention to mini-challenges and Twitter, since I was really looking forward to the social interaction aspect of the challenge.
Hey Brooke, sometimes real life just gets in the way. At lease you got The Second Duchess read. Thank you for joining me. I hope you will consider joining me for my future read-a-thons. I host four per year, seasonally. My next one will be this Spring and I'm hosting at my other blog, Castle Macabre. Next will be Summer and then Fall. Be watching for details! Would love to have you. =O)